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PR and Communications for Christian charities – a survey

At Jersey Road PR, it’s our mission to help Christian charities and organisations communicate more effectively. Whether you’re a valued client, or are interested in content, training or events that can help your team deliver excellent PR, we would appreciate it if you could take five mins to complete this survey to help us serve you better. Thank you!

What is the primary focus of your organisation’s work?

What is the primary focus of your organisation’s work?

Which regions does your organisation operate in (select all that apply)?

Which regions does your organisation operate in (select all that apply)?

What is your annual income?

What is your annual income?

At what level does the most senior person in your organisation directly responsible for PR work at?

At what level does the most senior person in your organisation directly responsible for PR work at?

What is their title?

Is PR the sole or main focus of the role of the person/ people within your organisation responsible for the PR function on a day-to-day basis?  If not, which other functions do they perform (eg comms, marketing, fundraising, advocacy)?

How many members of staff do you have in house responsible for PR (either exclusively or as a significant part of their role)?

How many members of staff do you have in house responsible for PR (either exclusively or as a significant part of their role)?

Do you regularly use external PR support?

Do you regularly use external PR support?

If yes, are you hands-on in directing the external PR supplier or do you primarily allow them to set the PR strategy and tactics for your organisation?

Is PR considered to be a strategic comms priority for your organisation?

Is PR considered to be a strategic comms priority for your organisation?

Please elaborate

What does your organisation hope to achieve through PR? (Select all that apply)

What does your organisation hope to achieve through PR? (Select all that apply)

Do you have a crisis PR strategy?

Do you have a crisis PR strategy?

Have you had to deal with a PR crisis in the past 12 months?

Have you had to deal with a PR crisis in the past 12 months?

If so, how far did this crisis spread? (Select all that apply)

If so, how far did this crisis spread? (Select all that apply)

Do you feel that being a Christian organisation reduces the effectiveness of your PR efforts?

Do you feel that being a Christian organisation reduces the effectiveness of your PR efforts?

If Yes, please give an example

What are your greatest PR challenges as an organisation? (Rate 0 stars – not a challenge to 5 stars – extremely challenging)

Getting internal buy-in to the value of PR

Getting internal buy-in to the value of PR

Lack of capacity within the PR team to do a good job at promoting stories

Lack of capacity within the PR team to do a good job at promoting stories

Lack of PR expertise

Lack of PR expertise

Lack of newsworthy stories

Lack of newsworthy stories

Clear and compelling messaging

Clear and compelling messaging

Reaching your target audience

Reaching your target audience

Spokespeople not representing your organisation well

Spokespeople not representing your organisation well

Privacy issues making it difficult to tell your stories effectively

Privacy issues making it difficult to tell your stories effectively

Difficulty accessing stories from staff on the ground

Difficulty accessing stories from staff on the ground

Difficulty turning reactive comment or stories around quickly enough

Difficulty turning reactive comment or stories around quickly enough

Competition for space/ attention from others in your sector

Competition for space/ attention from others in your sector

Rebuilding your reputation after a crisis

Rebuilding your reputation after a crisis

Firefighting one or more PR crises/ issues

Firefighting one or more PR crises/ issues

The media are hostile to your cause or messages

The media are hostile to your cause or messages

It’s hard to get the media interested in your cause or messages

It’s hard to get the media interested in your cause or messages

Effective PR reporting

Effective PR reporting

Which areas of PR do you feel confident that you manage well in house? (Select all that apply)

Which areas of PR do you feel confident that you manage well in house? (Select all that apply)

Which areas of PR expertise would you be most interested in further developing through content, training, or peer-to-peer learning? (Select all that apply)

Which areas of PR expertise would you be most interested in further developing through content, training, or peer-to-peer learning? (Select all that apply)

Which, if any, specific PR issues would you value learning more about through expert training, content, or peer-to-peer learning?

Where do you go to discover PR trends and inspiration? (Select all that apply)

Where do you go to discover PR trends and inspiration? (Select all that apply)

What are the primary social media channels your charity uses for sharing content with supporters (select all that apply)?

What are the primary social media channels your charity uses for sharing content with supporters (select all that apply)?

What are the primary social media channels you use as an individual (select all that apply)?

What are the primary social media channels you use as an individual (select all that apply)?

This survey is anonymous. However, it may help us to provide better PR content and support to Christian organisations if we can discuss some of your answers with you. If you are happy for us to contact you about your answers, please provide your name and email address here.


