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Internal communications survey

Thank you for taking part in our internal communications survey. Your input will be invaluable in helping us develop an internal comms strategy that works well for the Jersey Road team, so please answer the following questions as honestly as you can. All answers are confidential.

Overall, how would you rate internal communications at Jersey Road?

Overall, how would you rate internal communications at Jersey Road?

Scope of communication

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
The scope of JR internal communications is appropriate
I feel informed about JR's goals and objectives
I understand how my role contributes to JR's success
I am knowledgable about changes in the organisation
I am aware of what is expected of me in my role
I am kept up-to-date with company news and developments
I have a clear understanding of how JR is performing
I have access to the right information to do my job

Quality of communication

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Internal communications are of good quality
The information I receive is clear and accurate
The amount of information being communicated is appropriate
I would like more regular and consistent internal communications

Methods of communication

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Our internal communication methods work for me
The communications methods JR uses match my preferences and needs

Trust and voice

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
All voices within Jersey Road are heard, and communication is as transparent as is appropriate
My voice is sought and heard when decisions are made
JR directors are transparent in their communications
JR leaders are effective in their communications
My line manager is transparent in their communications
My line manager is effective in their communications

Which communication methods do you prefer for receiving information and updates about JR? (you can tick more than one)

Which communication methods do you prefer for receiving information and updates about JR? (you can tick more than one)
Untitled checkboxes field

Are there any communication methods that you think would be beneficial for JR but are not currently in use?

Are there any topics that should be discussed more often to support collaboration and engagement?

Two things I would prioritise in improving our internal communications are...

Two ideas or suggestions I have to improve our internal communications are...